It is now well established that sport and physical activity can extend lifespan, especially if there are risk factors for premature mortality. The health effect of physical activity is even higher than that of weight loss, i.e. a reduction in the body mass index, lowering of systolic blood pressure, or lowering of the cholesterol levels in the blood.
The high health relevance of exercise is also underlined by another study: According to this, physically active people have a survival advantage over physically inactive people, which corresponds to that of a non-smoker over a smoker of 20 cigarettes a day. Regular exercise in the form of endurance and weight training is the main weapon against aging. Staying on your toes increases your well-being, improves your mood, and protects you from senile dementia.
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Physical activity in everyday life
Physical activity helps to get fit faster after illness, strengthens the immune system, reduces stress, regulates lipid metabolism, lowers blood pressure, and helps maintain a healthy body weight.
It is important that you regularly exercise moderately (preferably three to four times for 30 to 45 minutes per week) and do not start right away at 100 percent after long periods of inactivity.
Sports in old age
In old age, movement is the only scientifically proven method to stop the functional degradation, especially of the organs and the supporting and musculoskeletal system, as well as the performance of body and mind. Even in very old people who have never played the sport for a long time, there are clear health benefits from sporting activity. In this way, people who start regular endurance training at the age of 60 or 70 can achieve significant improvements in the condition of their cardiovascular system after a short time.
But the function of the reaction and short-term memory can also be significantly improved in old people through exercise, and that through simple forms of movement such as hiking.
Studies from Japan also show that physically active older people not only have a lower death rate but that they are more interested in everyday activities such as their personal environment and hobbies than inactive older people. Physical activity in old age thus seems to increase the quality of life significantly.
Stay Relaxed
If things don't go well, relax. Throw your plan overboard. Ambition can make you sick, so an exuberant training session is more effective than tortured toughness against yourself. Allow your body and mind to relax. Often both go in parallel - because those who pamper their muscles will also be good for their soul. You can also check this website
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Massages, for example, are the natural enemy of stress. Or do it as the Finns did 2000 years ago. When the boss was still having communion, the Scandinavians were already crouching in the sauna. Because in the sauna the anger evaporates and the bile dries up - as an old Finnish proverb goes.