TAIPEI.- Whorling in the cycles of breathing and resting, dreams and wakefulness, silence and sound, here and elsewhere: boundaries fade in the darkness, myriad happenings converge, and here becomes the elsewhere. In this realm, the shapes of perception blur, like the hazy memories of waking from a dream, layering different times and transcending the present reality.
Within the natural cycles of growth and decay, the far shore of daylight seems to be easily overlooked: the edge of darkness, the breathe of sleep, the wakefulness of dreams, different shades of silence
these entities, like dust, exist ominously whether seen by human eyes or not. Following this path, Whorl Whirr emerges from the one-hour cyclical alternation of Sumnium Susurrus and Tunnel. In this realm, Yen Chun Lin weaves sculptural installations and spatial sound with a dragonfly, artist Gediminas ygus, and dreams.
Sumnium Susurrus originates from the transient pulse of the dragonflys wings at the verge of motion, Lins dream-like encounter with a dragonfly leads her into their entangled past lives. The dragonfly murmurs, she listens through dream-ears, and a stream of nuanced occurrences gradually unveils across dimensions. This interlaces with Tunnel, seeking to explore the in-between spaces within existing knowledge systems. It employs a form of dream-logic to connect diverse environments and realities, swirling through timespace within the seemingly light-dark and lingering in an oceanic state of existence towards the collective unknown.
Yen Chun Lin, born in 1990 in Hsinchu, now resides in Berlin. She currently researches and lives in a state of fallingfalling into sleep, into wakefulness, into the unknown. In her Syn-sleep Listening Experiment, she encountered a dragonfly. Accompanied and guided by the dragonfly, Lin explores various nuanced states of being and becoming within their shared environments. Learning from such encounters, Lin gradually tunes into the subtle vibrations of existence and the edges of perception through the means of artistic creations.
Lins work materializes in the form of spatial installations, encompassing sculptures, soundscapes, dreams, performances, collaborations, and speculative narratives. She focuses on the tenuous and sensuous space of sound and consciousness, and the misty zone between the here and elsewherea realm that emerges beyond the physical and material frame of her work.
Lin received a Master of Fine Arts from Goldsmiths, University of London, in 2019. Her works have been exhibited at the ICA (Institute of Contemporary Arts) in London, U.K.; Taipei Fine Arts Museum in Taipei, Taiwan; MONOM in Berlin, Germany; Creamcake Art Festival in Berlin, Germany; SAVVY Contemporary in Berlin, Germany; Britta Rettberg Gallery in Munich, Germany; Skanes Konstforening in Malmö, Sweden; and the Contemporary Art Centre in Vilnius, Lithuania, among others.