1. Unfavorable heredity
This one includes people with brain defects and therefore their mental capacity does not allow them to make a successful career. In some cases, such men can succeed in cooperation with other more developed people.
2. Lack of purpose
No one, even the most talented and capable person, can count on success if he does not have a single definite goal in life. As a rule, 99% of losers do not have such a goal.
3. Lack of ambition
The man who is indifferent to his career, would not be able to climb the ladder of success.
4. Lack of education
This is an obstacle that can and should be overcome relatively easily. Self-education can fill any knowledge gap. An educated person is not someone with a college or university degree, but someone who knows how to apply their knowledge. And to get a quality education, it is better to contact trusted universities https://findly.pro/place/348840
5. Lack of self-discipline
Self-discipline, self-organization, and self-control are the foundation of your success. Before you start running a business, you have to learn to manage yourself.
6. Health
No amount of success, no amount of money will please you if you are sick. Of course, there are people with congenital diseases and injuries that happened as a result of a catastrophe or accident.But most people can still take control of their health.
7. Difficult childhood
If a sprout is planted crookedly, a crooked tree will grow out of it. Many criminals blame a difficult childhood and poor upbringing for their troubles.
8. Procrastination
The long box in which we love to postpone our affairs is the coffin in which the best ideas, plans and intentions are forever buried. Most people haven’t done any good things in their lives because they have waited too long for the right moment. Don't wait for the right moment, it may never come. Take action now.
9. Lack of persistence
At the start, everyone is full of energy and optimism, but most fall out of the race at the first sign of failure. Defeat can't handle persistence.
10. Quarrelsome character
Quarrels, gossips, grumblers, misanthropes will never succeed. People are disgusted to deal with them. Good luck comes only to those who know how to get along with other people. Success is impossible without collaboration.
11. Lack of sex appeal or inability to manage it
Biologically and genetically, humans are designed in such a way that sexual desire is the strongest of all stimuli that induce a person to go forward.
12. Passion and desire for easy money
Passion for the game and hope of hitting the jackpot have brought millions of people to disaster.
13. Lack of determination
People who know how to make the right decisions, but do not know how to follow them, are called weaklings. But real weaklings can be called those who do not know how to make any decisions at all. Indecision and procrastination are of one berry field.
14. Fear
a) fear of poverty
b) fear of criticism
c) fear of illness
d) fear of losing love
e) fear of death
To get rid of fear, people have long resorted to the help of psychologists https://findly.pro/place/126686
15. Unsuccessful marriage
The relationship between spouses greatly affects a person's social life and affects his career. If there is no love and mutual understanding between the spouses, then both will face an inevitable career failure.
16. Excessive caution
He who does not take risks does not drink champagne. A share of risk is present in any business, a person who does not take risks at all will pick up crumbs from someone else's table all his life.
17. Wrong choice of business partners or employees
The correct selection of the right people directly depends on your personal qualities. Like attracts like. Successful people attract similarly successful people to themselves.
18. Superstition and prejudice
Superstition is still one of the reasons for failure, because superstition is a form of fear. If a person is superstitious, this speaks of his ignorance and limitations. Successful people are not afraid of new ideas.
19. Work not by vocation
No one can succeed in a business that he does not like. It is important to choose the right profession. Success is possible only when a person truly loves his job.
20. Inability to focus on one thing
Concentrate your efforts on only one specific goal.
21. Inability to control your expenses
Waste is one of the main causes of poverty. Begin to develop a habit of systematic savings. Save a portion of your salary every month.
22. Lack of enthusiasm
Any business must be tackled with enthusiasm. If you yourself are not passionate about your work, you will not be able to captivate anyone else.
23. Intolerance
A person who is intolerant of other people's opinions rarely succeeds. Intolerance means that a person has stopped in his development.
24. Intemperance
Gluttony, alcoholism, drug addiction, sexual promiscuity corrode the very essence of a person. A person suffering from one of these vices cannot be a full-fledged person. Inadequate people never succeed.
25. Failure to cooperate
How many opportunities are missed by those who do not want to cooperate with other people. There is safety in numbers.
26. Undeserved wealth
This applies to people who did not make their fortune themselves, for example, the heirs of wealthy parents. Money must be earned. That which is easily given is easily wasted. Undeserved wealth is fatal to success. This is often even more tragic than poverty.
27. Fraud
Business must be honest. Sometimes life puts us in such circumstances where we are forced to lie, but someone who lies constantly and knowingly will never achieve real success. Sooner or later, the deception will return to him like a boomerang.
28. Self-conceit and vanity
These qualities serve as a signal to those around you that you need to stay away from such a person. Conceit and vanity are the gravediggers of success.
29. Assumption instead of facts
Most people prefer to act at random. Laziness to gather information and analyze facts, this will invariably lead to failure. Failure awaits those who are used to living in someone else's mind. Anyone who relies on other people's judgment and gossip will not succeed.
30. Lack of start-up capital
This is a really serious reason why people cannot start their own business. There is a way out of this situation - if you do not have enough savings to start your own business, you can work for another entrepreneur for a while.