As a virtual assistant, you can work part-time
Congratulations on finding a career that excites you. The field of art is a big one. To be more precise, there are so many types and mediums, not to mention opportunities.
Unless youre selling your work, you need a job on the side. Think about it. You need to pay rent, put food on the table, and, generally speaking, make ends meet.
As an artist, you need a reliable income and a flexible schedule. Working as a virtual assistant can turn out to be a great solution. If youd like to find out more, please continue reading. You cant be an artist with a full-time job. Its like living a lie.
Is it okay to become a part-time virtual assistant?
As a virtual assistant, you can work part-time, depending on the number of hours required. You can accomplish a project in an hour or work on something for months at an end. If youre looking for a job that offers flexibility, youre in the right place. You have the liberty to choose the hours you want to work, you can work based on your skill set and interests, and, last but certainly not least, you can decide the rate of pay. If youre still reading this, it means that youre interested in virtual assistant jobs. Dont bother searching for clients. Virtual assistant companies do all the hard work, so you dont have to worry about the administrative side of the business.
The truth about making a living in the arts
Not every artist has the luxury of being able to quit their job. Its essential to have a steady income, particularly at the beginning of your career. Not only will you be more creative, but also you can prevent burnout. You have to pay your bills, even if you dont move forward. Theres a lot of pressure on emerging artists. You need to find a part-time job that allows you creative freedom. You shouldnt have to feel the need to choose one job or the other. More exactly, neither one should rob you of the ability to or desire to do one or the other. Just so you know, making art sales requires several breakthroughs, continual relevance, and not to mention luck.
Final considerations
Having a day job doesnt necessarily make you better at art, but at least you can make ends meet. Its unreasonable to expect to live from your art,
at least in the beginning. Success comes when you earn enough money from your creations that you dont have to take a job. If you do seek additional employment, it should fall within your range of skills or talents. For instance, you can help out other artists manage paperwork, press media, and, most importantly, pursue their passion. The idea of producing art may sound romantic, but its something serious, so the experience is serious indeed. Youre dedicating yourself to a life of constant hustle, long hours, not to mention uncertainty. Have a strategy and organize your time.