There are so many things people regularly use but don't know about them. And UI and UX are one of those things. We regular use those things on your phones. It does not matter if your phone is an IOS device or an ANDROID device. Inside every phone we use so many apps, they are the result of UX and UI design. Behind the scene, some so many developers are working to make apps or trying to improve it. So that our experience can be better and enjoyable. They work hard to create an app, and they also hear all your feedbacks about that app and try to improve that. So we must be grateful to them. All of their hard work is the result of apps and UI that we regularly use. Before going to any details, I am going to recommend you an excellent designer named Ogla, who is a
professional UX/UI designer. If you want to know more about her work, please visit her website. If you visit there, you can find a lot of excellent design for her. Now let us talk about UI and UX.
What is UX?
UX is the short form of user experience. And user experience design is the process design that is used to create a meaningful and relevant experience to the users. It is exceptionally vast and multidisciplinary. UX is a fascinating field for the developer. This UX shapes the product and service we regularly use. It is a process that can make at the same time can also break a service. If you want to shine in this field, you have to be creative and hard-working. There is a lot of things to know if you are someone who wants to get in this UX bus. If you want to know about the history of UX, let me tell you some. Most basic tenets of UX can be tracked as far back as four thousand BC. But in the late 19th century Winslow Taylor and Henry Ford created basic design into their production. Now that’s talk about UX design disciplines
1. Experience strategy (ES)
2. Interaction design (IR)
3. User research (UR)
4. Information architecture (IA)
What is UI?
UI is the short form of the user interface. The user interface is the main thing of any device. For your better understanding, let us guess you are using a google pixel phone. In this phone, the name of the UI is the pixel. There are various kinds of UI used in phones. User interface design is the process there the designer build the interface of a software or computerized device or an application. A UI designer should create different kinds of design every time. If you want to be a UI designer than one, the essential thing that you must have that is creativity. To make an excellent user interface, you need to behave discoverability. People judge user interface quickly, and they care about usability and likeable. It would be best if you always made UI that is user friendly and easy to use and navigate. People still want comfortability over anything. There are three forms of the user interface, and those are
1. Graphical user interfaces (GUIs)
2. Voice-controlled interface (VUIs)
3. Gesture-based interface.
Those are the things you must know about user interface and user experience. We daily use UI and UX regularly so should have some basic knowledge about them. Without that basic knowledge, you will look like fools. Those things are the most important because it makes out user experience much better and comfortable.