One of the most talked about topics today, whether in blogs, television programs, magazines or any other media, the subject of meditation, yoga and mantras, have become fashionable and have been gaining more and more space and strength. The
spells and witchcraft services are getting more and more popular today, especially on the Net.
There are several theories that try to explain the reason for this interest in these oriental practices. But regardless of belief, the fact is that they really work and that is why they win over so many people around the world.
But after all, do you know what mantra is?
The meaning of the word mantra comes from Sanskrit, where "Man" which means mind and "Tra" which in general context addresses protection, control or wisdom. It is a kind of instrument to guide or protect the mind.
So we can define a mantra as a hymn, prayer, sacred song, programmed syllables and even a religious poem. Some religions use it to greet, offer good vibes and praise the gods or holidays. Others use it for healing, meditation, prosperity, self-knowledge, etc ...
Survey of mantra
Many find it difficult to understand what a mantra is because they do not know its origin. They are in the Veda books, which are the bible of Hinduism, and all texts, like mantras, are in Sanskrit. In these scriptures one can find more than 4 thousand sutras, which were intended to praise the gods. And it was from the sutras - also considered as hymns - that mantras were born.
The sutras were the basis to serve as inspiration in the emergence of thousands of mantras, each with its objective: love, kindness, inner peace, connection with the Divine, calm and self-knowledge.
Although the practice stands out when dealing with Hindu culture, it is not linked to a religion, so it is not necessary to be part of one to practice it.
What are worth for?
Its main function is to aid meditation, because when a mantra is pronounced, it is able to calm thoughts and our actions, facilitating concentration. Mantras have this ability to serve as a focus for the mind to focus. After all, our mind doesn't stop for a minute, listing the things out there that we need to think about. Each of us has a personal universe, with its relationships, concerns and issues; it is not easy to just put it all aside. Totally normal, it happens to everyone!
And then our work during the mantra consists precisely in constantly bringing the mind back to the sound of the mantra and reflecting on its meaning. This has the effect of quieting the mind. We can conclude then that he intends to relax extremely, taking the person out of all tension and putting him in a meditative state.
Now that you know what mantra is, its origin, and what it is for, let's learn
how to find your mantra and address the benefits of chanting them, which are not a few! Including them in your routine helps to control anxiety, increases concentration, attention, accelerates the brain's processing capacity, increases emotional stability, improves breathing, stimulates the production of serotonin and endorphins and increases immunity. That is, practicing mantras daily will bring several spiritual and physical benefits.
Even the most agitated people can find their point of calm the moment they learn to meditate and repeat a mantra. The concept for using this technique is to be able to immerse yourself in the sound of words that take us directly to our own spiritual source of peace. It is a moment of ours, the only one where we will look inside for directions that lead us to the path of what is good for us, of our happiness.