NEW YORK, NY.- Crocifisso di Luce, is a full-scale Crucifix realized by the italian Artist Filippo Biagioli in December 2024. It is a message from God, the Artist says, that tells him to realize a Rood and to carry it on his back to the Church of Santo Stefano in Serravalle (a small town in Tuscany, Italy). For this reason, Biagioli transported the sculpture from Chiesina di Ponte di Serravalle to Serravalle Pistoiese.
The Artist is used to doing things like this one. After he has received various miracles, the Artist has produced and has donated what he "heard coming from the High”. Many are the important works realized by Filippo Biagioli such as Chanukkyah of 2017, Chanukkhià of 2019, Illibro dei Nomi Significati of 2019, Libri d’Oro ebraici of 2019, Trattato di Demonologia, summa verborum, numeri, temporis et spatii of 2024, Ziqquratu della Terra Santa of 2024, Spada degli Angeli of 2024, Crocifisso di Luce of 2024.
The Cross is realized in recycled wood which has been cleaned, restored and chiselled by the Artist. The color used are gold and white. Biagioli chose them both for their harmony and their esoteric meaning.
The Artist goes against one of the most classic interpretations which sees white as the color of purity and divinity and gold as the divine symbol of value and preciousness. Biagioli explained that these are not the true meanings of the two colors, the true ones are those used in this model.
On the top of the Crucifix there is the jewish writing “אור” which means Light. At the base of the Rood is situated a Jerusalem Cross. Biagioli dedicated the sculpture to the Light of Christ because this is what the Artist mainly felt during his “Epiphany”. “It was something wonderful. The physical effort transformed in pure spiritual essence, giving me emotions that are impossible to describe” (F. Biagioli)
Carrying the work was physically a hard moment and, in spite of starting the trail alone, slowly many people accompanied the Artist during his route. Between the love given him by the people that followed him and the weird gazes of car drivers passing by, Biagioli finally arrived at the Church of Santo Stefano in Serravalle.
“We live in the paradox that if you see someone being beaten up on the road you do not mind, but if you see a person carrying a Crucifix during Christmas time it seems insane.” (F. Biagioli)
In spite of the effort, the joy felt by the Artist for managing to complete the work is great but it is even greater the joy given him by being able to accomplish the will of God.
“I did what I was asked for. It made me happy, it made us happy.” (F. Biagioli)
by Bianca Di Cecio