Can you tell us about how you developed this acute percep5on of melody and harmony?
From a young age, I had a strong a=rac5on to music and started studying various musical instruments. I believe that my ap5tude for melodic nuances was influenced by the listening experiences and diverse musical influences I had since childhood. As I grew up, I immersed myself in different genres and musical styles, which allowed me to be=er understand the various elements that make a musical piece unique.
What drove you to push beyond the tradi5onal boundaries of music and constantly seek new crea5ve paths?
I believe that art, including music, is a form of personal and collec5ve expression. Music is a universal language and offers infinite possibili5es to communicate emo5ons and ideas. Experimen5ng with new styles and genres has allowed me to broaden my crea5ve horizons and connect with my audience in different ways. I have always believed that true innova5on occurs when you have the courage to embrace the unknown and let crea5vity flow.
How have you used plaKorms like Instagram to connect with your fans?
Social media is a powerful tool to engage with the audience and share my music and crea5ve world. Instagram, in par5cular, has allowed me to showcase the behind-the-scenes of my crea5ve process and establish a more direct connec5on with my fans. Sharing videos, photos, and stories has given me the opportunity to involve my followers and make them feel part of this musical journey.
In addi5on to your musical abili5es, you are also known for your deep and meaningful lyrics. What universal themes do you aim to address in your lyrics?
Wri5ng lyrics is an essen5al part of my music. I try to address themes that are relevant to people and the society we live in. Love, personal growth, and the fight against social injus5ces are some of the topics that are close to my heart. I want my lyrics to be a source of reflec5on and inspira5on for those who listen to them, so they can feel engaged and understand that they are not alone in their experiences.
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