NEW YORK, NY.- Janet Borden announces CORSO, a fascinating new exhibition by Hanno Otten. This is Ottens sixth exhibition with the gallery, and it continues his visual discourse on the nature of color. Pure vivid color is Ottens language. This exhibition includes photographs and videos.
In these photographs, Otten literally dissects color photography and uses the individual elements to create unique images. Lush bands of color comprise the Boulevard Section. These are complemented by Otten's elegantly composed unique photograms, or Lichtbilder (Light Pictures).
Ottens new work continues to explore the abstract, with new approaches and refinements. These photographs embrace a more organic and personal approach to photography than in his previous studies.
Below is Hanno Ottens Artist Statement on this work:
Throughout my work I have been concerned with the question of the image, how images function as language and visual thinking.
The current works in the series Corso establish a connection between painting, photography and our imagination. In the interplay of art and reality, traces of painting and digital processing are consciously recognizable and at the same time suggest an idea of landscape.
Starting point are photographs of painterly details in my oil paintings of the series About Painting and Battle. I digitally process the photographs with the intention of taking away the painterly ductus of the images and giving them a more technical aesthetic. This results in images that - supported by their extreme landscape format 25 x 60 cm - evoke landscape associations.
The title Corso, as an Italian version of the French "boulevard" after which an earlier series is titled, alludes to the diverse urban life that includes strolling, going out, meeting other people, eating and talking together, going to the cinema and theater, as well as sporting events. All that we have had to do without for a long time and which we have therefore become all the more aware of as an important part of our lives.
Hanno Otten was born in 1954, and lives in Berlin. His work has been exhibited worldwide, in such locations as Leipzig, Cologne, Los Angeles, and New York. He is also known for sculpture and installation pieces, which are also available through the gallery