Cebrián lawyers are qualified express lawyers who deal with various issues including separation, divorce, custody and amicable guardian care. This is almost everything dealing with family separation mutual agreement terms. A marriage consists of two individuals who are independent and have the rights to separate, but it doesnt mean that they have the right to destroy and fight each other. Due to communication problems at times, the spouses often lack understanding because theyre not able to hold and manage their emotions after breaking up. Different firms have been brought up to deal with this matter with a lot of sensitivity, understanding, mediation trying their best to avoid any conflict. This is done to help children because the separation affects them the most especially minors.
The amicable express divorce.
This divorce simply means civil separation where both parties have agreed to divide their property, child support, custody and visitations. They dont have to be friends when all this is over or even they cant be stopped from fighting and bringing their case in court, this divorce simply means having a divorce that is uncontested.
A consent decree.
This is a type of agreement that has resolved the dispute that was alive between both parties without admitting any liability or guilt. When negotiating amicable separations, you will require a qualified lawyer equipped with the skills of this particular job. A slight mistake in the negotiation process like when your lawyer starts being aggressive as his technique of winning the case, this will lead to the rise of conflicts with the other party opting for revenge. As a result of the conflict, a lot of damage is caused, a lot of time is wasted resulting in a more expensive process. you are mostly advised to separate your emotions with the process as you try to reason out solutions that will result in a timely and fair settlement.
Amicable is painless.
Divorce will sure leave a marked pain but an amicable separation is civil and easier with no pain involved. However, it involves court visits, less trauma on minors and a fair solution.
Requires mediation.
Most Arizona courts require a mediator especially when minors are involved. This is an added third party that is neutral intended to assist the family in coming to an agreement.
Express divorce by mutual agreement.
Express divorce comes with a lot of advantages since it is a mutual agreement from both parties as compared to the amicable divorce. A mutual agreement allows a reduction in the cost of the process concluding the divorce process more efficiently and quick. This involves both parties presenting their claims before the family court stating their mutual agreement to part ways. With that in hand, and according to the civil code of Spain, for the divorce process with a mutual agreement to continue, an approximate period of almost three months not less or more is given to ensure both parties have have forgotten their marriage celebration and agree on mutual agreement for separation. In other options, most divorce-affected families choose to hire the same lawyer from a well-qualified firm to help them in the separation process while he is representing both of them. Or, they may go for two lawyers representing the interests of both parties who try and negotiate the agreement with the mutual accord.
Divorce involving mutual accord is always the best option in the proceeding of the family because it resolves many things. A lot of people tend to go through argumentative measures due to their lack of communication, them ignoring the terms of the law and most important their emotional damage that will not create contentious facts concerning their families. Using amicable procedure for divorce will result in a lot of time used in the process, expensive due to the lawyers required and many confrontations. Children tend to be the most affected in these types of situations who in many cases tend to be used to satisfy the drama and interest of the parent. Due to these reckless behaviours, you should not be surprised at why many partners lose their inheritance which cost them a fortune to achieve.
In Spain, approximately 80 per cent have undergone amicable divorce while 60 per cent are through normal mutual agreement. What mutual agreement intends to do is strengthen and improve relationships among families because when talking of a society, a family plays a major role in society and thus instead of reducing the number of divorce cases, it tends to reduce contentious separations. However, for these to be successful, the law firms are working to add more strength in understanding and trying to maintain a mindful marriage. This starts by letting everyone know that divorce was never a tattoo because it is a sign of unsatisfactory or unhappy marriage.
In conclusion.
What is the best option?
Mutual agreement is always the best option for both parties since it only requires one attorney to help in the separation process which adds up to a low cost. The process requires very few steps and is highly recommended due to it being fast and brief.