Destiny 2’s Season of the Lost brought with itself a number of Triumphs for Guardians to achieve. The season has around 120 Triumphs for the Guardians to chase in the coming few months before Bungie launches the Witch Queen in 2022. The players have to achieve Triumphs by completing tasks like getting a kill using a specific weapon, opening the chests which are available in seasonal activities and much more. Players who wish to unlock the Realmwalker Title will need a total of 10 Triumphs. Most of these Triumphs will require the player to complete activities, increase reputation and obtain seasonal mods. There are a total of seven mods that rotate weekly and here is how you can get them.
There are a number of ghost and armour mods that are available in the Season of Lost and you can get these by using Legendary Engram drops. You can get Legendary Engrams randomly as you play the game. Additionally, if you have Legendary Shards, then you can buy Legendary Engrams that the Cryptarch sells in the Tower courtyard to get mods quickly. Stasis mods, holster mods and ghost mods can be obtained in this manner. Ghost mods allow armour pieces with random stats to have guaranteed minimum of 10 with a higher chance to drop. Stasis mods allow the armour to be changed to stasis affinity. This mod will give you the advantage of having power preservation on your helmets and provide you with melee kick start and grenade kick start on the gauntlets which will give you melee or grenade energy respectively. Chest armour will obtain stasis resistance with this mod. Leg armour will be equipped with orbs of restoration that can be obtained by just using 1 energy to slot. Class items will have utility kick start and restorative finisher which can give ability energy back when you need it the most. Holster Mods when slotted into boots will slowly reload weapons of a certain type over time and are available for many different weapon types.
Certain mods can only be purchased from the new Compass calibration vendor in the newly opened wing of the H. E. L. M. These are locked out because they have certain calibrations under the Wayfinder’s Compass which can only be levelled by completing certain weekly challenges. You can get all of the mods slowly by just regular gameplay. All these mods can be earned through the Wayfinder’s Compass calibration system under Elemental Well mod types which rotate every week. These mods include Melee Wellmaker, Seeking Wells, Well of Striking, Bountiful Wells, Well of Ordinance, Elemantal Shards, Elemental Time Dilation, Supreme Wellmaker, Enduring Well, Well of Utility and Well of Restoration. You can also use the Wayfinder’s Compass Artifact to unlock the Champion mods such as Overload Bow, Anti Barrier Anti Rifle, Unstoppable Pulse Rifle, Overload Sword, Unstoppable Fusion Rifle, Unstoppable Sidearm and Linear Fusion Rifle. All of these require just one energy to slot except for the Linear Fusion Rifle and Unstoppable Fusion Rifle which require six energy along with seven artefact mod unlocks made previously.
It is great to have all of these mods because they eventually improve your game play. If you are having trouble obtaining these mods then you can use
Destiny 2 boosting services to help you and provide assistance in completing raids, quests and obtaining weapons and mods. Now that you know how to get the mods, go ahead and grab them now to make your gaming experience better.