Meta description: You have heard so many stories about duct cleaning Burlington services. Well, is it worth it, and what the implications of not doing it? We dissect that here.
Why It Is Essential To Carry Out Duct Cleaning Burlington
Your air duct attracts fine dust on the duct surfaces. If you are sensitive to dirty air, you will notice dust in the air after you turn your HVAC system on. As clean air passes through the system, some fine dust gets disturbed and loosens, joining the air. That is why you need to carry out duct cleaning Burlington.
Hair and flakes of dead skin accumulate on the air duct surfaces and become a flourishing zone for dust, bacteria, and mold. Although the air will pass through air filters and remove most of the dirt, some of it makes its way to the rooms. Sometimes you will notice through smell that the air you are breathing is contaminated. So, what are the benefits, and what happens if you ignore duct cleaning
Burlington services?
1. What Happens If You Dont Clean Your HVAC?
Dust can bring discomfort to your family members and pose a danger to the air duct system. Most homeowners will not schedule Burlington cleaning services for their HVAC system, which harms it.
a. It Reduces Your Systems Efficiency
You need your HVAC system during winter to warm the air and cool it in summer. If the air ducts have dust, they get clogged, reducing the efficiency of your system. You will also notice that it uses more heat than before, which could weaken its mechanical parts leading to a quick breakdown.
If you see any signs of dirt and dust on your air ducts, it is advisable to contact a licensed duct cleaning Burlington company to check on your system and clean it.
b. Blockage On The Blower Fan
Too much dirt will accumulate on parts like the blower pan or the motor, making it hard for these parts to turn. This will result in less circulation of fresh and cool or hot air to the rest of the rooms.
Since it is hard for the parts to turn, they could strain, leading to breakage, which means more expenses for replacing the parts.
c. Breeding Area For Bacteria And Fungi
When the duct collects hair, pet fur, and dead skin, they become a breeding zone for mold, bacteria, and fungi. This kind of dirt is worse because it can cause severe respiratory problems. Your family and pets will be uncomfortable in such an environment.
d. Sensitive To People With Respiratory Complications
If one of your family members has asthma, they will get more attacks for breathing dust and mold-contaminated air. When you turn your system on, it will blow the contaminated air in all rooms, causing discomfort to your family. The dust could also settle on your couches and electronics, clogging them and extending the damage.
2. Benefits You Get For Cleaning Your System
a. Improved Performance
Removing the dust settled on your air ducts could lead to a significant improvement in your systems performance. If the fans and motor were clogged with dirt, they will move more freely after doing duct cleaning Burlington, meaning they will do their work as expected. You will also reduce the chances of your system breaking down.
b. Reduced Energy Bills
An efficient system will not strain to do its work, meaning that there will be no extra heat used. This leads to the usage of less energy hence reduced energy bills.
c. Comfort
Your family will not complain of allergies, and those who have asthma will not suffer from the attacks since they are breathing clean air. There will be reduced chances of them getting respiratory complications which are expensive to treat.
d. Cleaner Home
Dust in the air settles on the couches, walls, and carpets, making your home untidy and unfit to live in especially for people with respiratory conditions. Cleaning your HVAC system ensures there is no dust in the air, so you can easily maintain a clean environment.
If you notice that the air you breathe is not fresh, contact a professional duct cleaning Burlington company to help with the process of Burlington cleaning services. This will save you on energy bills, repairing broken parts of the system due to dirt, and most importantly, living in a clean environment.