A lockdown can bring so many limitations, especially in terms of work and creativity. There are many industries and roles which have been heavily affected, such as travel agencies, performance musicians and wedding photographers. Lavan Photography from Melbourne told us that their business has been put in a halt for over 6 months due to strict lockdown. And all they can do is simply wait for the restrictions to be eased. Fortunately, there are still so many things you can do to stay creative even while confined to the four walls of your home or apartment. Start with these 5 tips for staying creative during a lockdown.
1. Remake your space
A lockdown means that you will get to know your living space in a new way. Many people only used their apartments and micro lofts as places to crash when things were normal. When a lockdown is enforced, they may be forced to stay indoors and see what improvements these spaces need to make them comfortable and livable. One thing you can do is to remake your space. Remove clutter, fix things that need to be fixed, get some potted plants, and spread them around your space for some fresh air. Not only is a space redesign good for making even the tiniest spaces more livable, but it can also help you get your creative juices flowing.
2. Join online community challenges
Joining a challenge a day is a good way to document your lockdown experience using your chosen creative medium. There are various artistic and creative communities in social media that help members stay creative by posting daily challenges. Whether it's a challenge to sketch one thing a day or photograph something according to a theme, these communities can help your creative brain stay active even if you don't go outside of the house. Check out Instagram and Pinterest for these groups and inspiration.
3. Collaborate with other artists
Being on lockdown doesn't mean that you are cut off from the world forever. One consolation is that we have technology that helps us stay in touch with anyone from all over the world. There's no better way to use this technology than to communicate with creative peers so you can collaborate on projects together. Constant communication keeps you in touch with your sources of inspiration and allows you to encourage fellow creatives as you are being encouraged yourself.
4. Remake your brand
There is no better time than now to remake your brand and products. A lot of creatives struggle with finding time to give their online presence a facelift, especially during peak seasons. When forced to stay home, you can finally give your attention to giving your old website that a brand new redesign that it deserves. The good thing about this is that you can collaborate with other creatives, from branding experts to coders and SEO professionals, to create a new face for your brand so you can hit the ground running when things go back to normal. Lavan Photography sees the lockdown as an extended off-peak season and they now have the chance to re-brand their website and blogs which they would not have time to do so during the busy time of the year - “Stay positive, remain active on social media, emphasize your presents to people is the main focus at the moment.”
5. Do nothing
Sometimes wracking your brain for something to do can have a counterproductive effect especially if you put too much pressure on yourself. Cleaning your mind and allowing yourself to remain empty can be useful if you need time to recharge and make more mental room for creativity when you're finally ready to create.
Stumped and feeling uninspired? These 5 tips can help you stay creative and thrive even while staying indoors during a lockdown.