Need a massage? Do it yourself.
Need a massage after a tennis lesson? The very thing that made you sore can help relieve your pain. Stick two tennis balls together using duct tape to make a personal massager. Then lie on the floor or lean against a wall pressing the tennis balls between your back and the surface. Wiggle around to alleviate soreness. Or just hire this cat as a masseuse.

Yelling helps
Ever blame a loss on your opponents obnoxious grunting? Thats actually a viable excuse. Researchers have found that making loud noises during a match can confuse an opponent and slow their reactions. Maybe thats why Serena, Maria and Rafa are among the best players in the game. Next time you start losing, just yell. It may just be the hack to winning.
Homemade medicine
Got athletes foot? Instead of buying products from the pharmacy, head to your kitchen for the solution to your ailment. Soak your feet in one part vinegar and two parts water for 15 minutes twice daily until the infection subsides. If this irritates your skin, you can try warm cinnamon water. Boil a few cinnamon sticks in five cups of water for five minutes to create the desired mixture. Making cinnamon rolls afterward is optional.
Stay fresh
Wish your water would stay ice-cold throughout your entire tennis rackets? Use this guide to keep your bottle cool for at least an hour. Fill half your bottle with water and lay it on its side in the freezer. Once frozen, fill up the rest of the bottle and head to the courts!
Tenning made the right way
Are you fair-skinned or do you burn easily? Now that the weathers starting to heat up, chances are youll get a little red after a tennis lesson or a pickleball lesson in the sun. If youre not one to tan, then you probably have a giant jar of aloe somewhere in your home. Soothe sunburn by making aloe vera ice cubes. Simply squeeze the tub of aloe into an ice cube tray and set it in the freezer for 30 minutes. Apply to affected areas and feel so much better.