If you were scammed by a Kot4x broker, you need to get your money back now. We will show you how.
What is a broker Kot4x?
Kot4x is an unregulated offshore brokerage based in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. They are chasing clients via Instagram page Cue Banks. Virtually promising profits, as well as trading education, the company is a big scam.
If you want to know more about this company, read our Kot4x review.
How can Kot4x take your money?
Imagine a broker without actual headquarters, owner, or anything else. Since it does not belong to any regulatory jurisdiction, how easy is it to conduct a scam?
Now, after you’ve signed up for some trading ad, you are being advised to start a trading education. Especially if you are a beginner, this offer sounds fantastic. The company cooperates with the IM trading academy. Yet, do not believe everything you see. The so-called academy is just preparing you to be scammed. They promise to connect you with a reputable platform, just for you to end up with an unregulated and unscrupulous company.
Once you make your deposit, you get a proprietary web trader where the broker can access your trades and money. And this is not something you want. Once your trads are active, some broker is helping you out. And it might even be effective at the start. Since their goal is to gain your trust, you need to see some winnings, right?
Once you start trusting such a company, the casino begins. They play with your funds so much. You are starting to feel like a gambler who cannot go out and keeps adding more money to recover.
What to do if you have already gotten into the hands of a scammer?
If you have already been involved with Kot4x, this is the most certain scenario. You are depositing funds via BTC that you have purchased on Coinbase. Afterward, that BTC is transferred to the Kot4x broker, and you are getting money to trade with. Now, what you are not aware of, Bitcoin transactions are hard to follow. Once your money changes several unnamed wallets, nobody knows where it ended. This is something to know of before starting an account with Kot4x brokerage.
Our company has dealt with many scams so far. And the solution is always the same—a chargeback. Now, to do it properly and to be able to follow a complicated transfer, such as Bitcoin, you would need some assistance.
Leave your details on the link provided here, and we will get in touch with you. Our support will book a free consultation, and you will get every information you need to retrieve your funds successfully. Let’s fight the scammers together! globalfraudprotection.com/contact-us