Best Photos of the Day
MAK Exhibition View, 2023. HARD/SOFT: Textiles and Ceramics in Contemporary Art MAK Exhibition Hall, Ground Floor © MAK/Georg Mayer.
Best Photos of the Day
Dorothea Tanning, Hôtel du Pavot, Chambre 202, 1970 © The Estate of Dorothea Tanning/Adagp, Paris; crédit photographique: Georges Meguerditchian – Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI /Dist. RMN-GP; réf. image: 4N06753
Best Photos of the Day
Ann Muller, Die fleißigen Totengräberinnen und ihr Werkzeug [The Hardworking Female Gravediggers and Their Tools], 2020, exhibition view, [beneath bottles—Fledermaus in Bar du Bois], Angewandte University Gallery Heiligenkreuzerhof, Vienna, 2020 © Carreon Lopez
Best Photos of the Day
Sheila Hicks, Racines de la culture, 2018 © MAK/Georg Mayer
Best Photos of the Day
MAK Exhibition View, 2023 HARD/SOFT: Textiles and Ceramics in Contemporary Art MAK Exhibition Hall, Ground Floor © MAK/Kristina Wissik
Best Photos of the Day
Sonia Gomes, Casa alugada (Entre Pérola e Vergalhão series), 2022 Courtesy of the artist and Mendes Wood DM, São Paulo, Brussels, Paris, New York © Gui Gomes
Best Photos of the Day
MAK Exhibition View, 2023. HARD/SOFT. Textiles and Ceramics in Contemporary Art. Klára Hosnedlová, Untitled (from the series To Infinity), 2023 MAK Exhibition Hall, Ground Floor © MAK/Georg Mayer
Best Photos of the Day
MAK Exhibition View, 2023 HARD/SOFT: Textiles and Ceramics in Contemporary Art MAK Exhibition Hall, Ground Floor © MAK/Georg Mayer
Best Photos of the Day
MAK Exhibition View, 2023 HARD/SOFT: Textiles and Ceramics in Contemporary Art in the front: Ann Muller, Die fleißigen Totengräberinnen und ihr Werkzeug [The Hardworking Female Gravediggers and Their Tools], 2020/2023; Die fleißige Totengräberin und ihr Ring [The Hardworking Female Gravedigger and Her Ring], 2020 MAK Exhibition Hall, Ground Floor
Best Photos of the Day
MAK Exhibition View, 2023 HARD/SOFT. Textiles and Ceramics in Contemporary Art li.: Noa Eshkol, Weather Circle, 1975 4 re.: Noa Eshkol, Black Lace, 1983 MAK Exhibition Hall, Ground Floor © MAK/Georg Mayer.