Best Photos of the Day
Galleria Borghese is dedicating the exhibition Timeless Wonder. Painting on Stone in Rome in the Cinquecento and Seicento from 25 October 2022 to 29 January 2023, curated by Francesca Cappelletti and Patrizia Cavazzini. Installation view Ph. A. Novelli © Galleria Borghese.
Best Photos of the Day
Jacques Stella, Il martirio di santa Caterna d'Alessandria da Guido Reni, olio su lapislazzli Ph. A. Novelli © Galleria Borghese.
Best Photos of the Day
Dett. da Guglielmo della Porta, Crocefissione, 1550-1577 ca, Galleria Borghese, Roma Ph. A. Novelli © Galleria Borghese.
Best Photos of the Day
Antonio Tempesta, Perseo e Andromeda (recto), tempera e olio su lapislazzuli, Galleria Borghese, Roma Ph. A. Novelli © Galleria Borghese.
Best Photos of the Day
Installation view Ph. A. Novelli © Galleria Borghese.
Best Photos of the Day
Leonardo Grazia, Lucrezia, olio su lavagna, Galleria Borghese, Roma. Ph. A. Novelli © Galleria Borghese.
Best Photos of the Day
Installation view Ph. A. Novelli © Galleria Borghese.
Best Photos of the Day
Installation view Ph. A. Novelli © Galleria Borghese.
Best Photos of the Day
Installation view Ph. A. Novelli © Galleria Borghese.
Best Photos of the Day
Installation view Ph. A. Novelli © Galleria Borghese.