Best Photos of the Day
Installation view of the Yiribana Gallery featuring (left to right) Christine Yukenbarri 'Winpurpurla' 2018, Grace Lillian Lee 'Belonging 1–5' 2021–22, Wawiriya Burton 'Ngayuku ngura (my country)' 2018, Helen Ganalmirriwuy Garrawurru 'Mol mät (black mat)' 2022 and Lily Roy 'Gurne-garnjirra (fishtrap fence)' 2022, photo © Art Gallery of New South Wales, Zan Wimberley.
Best Photos of the Day
Judith Inkamala working on 'Kuprilya Outstation' 2022 at Hermannsburg Potters 2022, photo © Art Gallery of New South Wales, Bec Capp.
Best Photos of the Day
Leigh Namponan 'Ku' Konh min-ak!' 2021, from the series 'Pack of Ku'', natural pigments with binders on milkwood, 74 x 41 x 18 cm, Art Gallery of New South Wales, commissioned with funds provided by the Aboriginal Art Collection Benefactors 2021 © Leigh Namponan.
Best Photos of the Day
Leo Namponan 'Ku' Piikalith' 2021, from the series 'Pack of Ku'', natural pigments with binders on milkwood, 33 x 64 x 13 cm, Art Gallery of New South Wales, commissioned with funds provided by the Aboriginal Art Collection Benefactors 2021 © Leo Namponan.
Best Photos of the Day
Hermannsburg Pots prior to packing in Hermannsburg, from left Rona Panangka Rubuntja 'Rodeo at Paddock Valley Outstation' 2022, Dawn Ngala Wheeler 'Lilla Outstation' 2022 and Judith Pungarta Inkamala 'Camping area near Alknagarintja and Ltaarlartuma Outstations' 2022, all underglazes on terracotta, Art Gallery of New South Wales, commissioned with funds provided by the Mollie Douglas Bequest 2021, photo © Art Gallery of New South Wales, Bec Capp.
Best Photos of the Day
Grace Lillian Lee 'Belonging 1–5' 2021–22, from the series Belonging, cotton webbing, goose feathers, timber cane, cotton and wool thread, Art Gallery of New South Wales, commissioned with funds provided by the Aboriginal Art Collection Benefactors 2021 © Grace Lillian Lee.
Best Photos of the Day
Installation view of the Yiribana Gallery featuring (left to right) Helen Ganalmirriwuy Garrawurru 'Gay'wu (string bag)' 2021, Lily Roy 'Miṉḏirr (conical basket)' 2021, Cornelia Tipuamantumirri 'Winga (Tidal movement, waves)' 2012, Marie Orsto 'Winga (Tidal movement, waves)' 2012, Kutuwulumi Purawarrumpatu 'Untitled' 2001 and Lily Roy 'Gurne-garnjirra (fishtrap fence)' 2022, photo © Art Gallery of New South Wales, Zan Wimberley.
Best Photos of the Day
Judith Inkamala working at Hermannsburg Potters 2022, photo © Art Gallery of New South Wales, Bec Capp.
Best Photos of the Day
The Hermannsburg Potters with their artwork, (from left) Abel Pareroultja, Anita Ratara, Dawn Wheeler, Judith Inkamala, Beth Inkamala, Andrea Rontji, Rona Rubuntja, and Hayley Coulthard, 2022, photo © Art Gallery of New South Wales, Bec Capp.
Best Photos of the Day
Installation view of the Yiribana Gallery featuring works by Helen Ganalmirriwuy Garrawurru, Mandy Batjula Gaykamaŋu and Margaret Rarru Garrawurra, photo © Art Gallery of New South Wales, Zan Wimberley.