Best Photos of the Day
Installation view of ED RUSCHA / NOW THEN, on view at The Museum of Modern Art from September 10, 2023 through January 13, 2024. Photo: Jonathan Dorado
Best Photos of the Day
Installation view of ED RUSCHA / NOW THEN, on view at The Museum of Modern Art from September 10, 2023 through January 13, 2024. Photo: Jonathan Dorado
Best Photos of the Day
Installation view of ED RUSCHA / NOW THEN, on view at The Museum of Modern Art from September 10, 2023 through January 13, 2024. Photo: Jonathan Dorado
Best Photos of the Day
Installation view of ED RUSCHA / NOW THEN, on view at The Museum of Modern Art from September 10, 2023 through January 13, 2024. Photo: Jonathan Dorado
Best Photos of the Day
Installation view of ED RUSCHA / NOW THEN, on view at The Museum of Modern Art from September 10, 2023 through January 13, 2024. Photo: Jonathan Dorado
Best Photos of the Day
Installation view of ED RUSCHA / NOW THEN, on view at The Museum of Modern Art from September 10, 2023 through January 13, 2024. Photo: Jonathan Dorado
Best Photos of the Day
Installation view of ED RUSCHA / NOW THEN, on view at The Museum of Modern Art from September 10, 2023 through January 13, 2024. Photo: Jonathan Dorado
Best Photos of the Day
Installation view of ED RUSCHA / NOW THEN, on view at The Museum of Modern Art from September 10, 2023 through January 13, 2024. Photo: Jonathan Dorado
Best Photos of the Day
Ed Ruscha, The Old Trade School Building, 2005. Acrylic on canvas, 4' 6" × 10' (137.2 x 304.8 cm). Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Gift of The American Contemporary Art Foundation, Inc., Leonard A. Lauder, President. © 2023 Ed Ruscha. Digital image © Whitney Museum of American Art / Licensed by Scala / Art Resource, NY
Best Photos of the Day
Ed Ruscha, Our Flag, 2017. Acrylic on canvas, 6' × 11' 6" (182.9 x 350.5 cm). Collection Jimmy Iovine and Liberty Ross. © 2023 Ed Ruscha. Photo: Josh White, courtesy Gagosian