Best Photos of the Day
Part gallery and part studio, Illuminating Birds on view at The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University celebrates the enduring appeal of drawing and writing about birds. Requiring prolonged observation and deep curiosity, drawing --- in its ability to distill --- contributes to creative insights and scientific understanding. Photo credit: Ramon Torres/ANS.
Best Photos of the Day
A drawing of a Peregrine Falcon by Louis Agassiz Fuertes. Photo credit: Ramon Torres/ANS.
Best Photos of the Day
Louis Agassiz Fuertes' palette and paint box. Photo credit: Ramon Torres/ANS.
Best Photos of the Day
A Great Indian Hornbill, (Buceros bicornis) Photo credit: Ramon Torres/ANS.
Best Photos of the Day
"Sketches" by Ned Smith. 1936-1985. Photo credit: Ramon Torres/ANS.
Best Photos of the Day
Installation view. Credit Ramon Torres/ANS.
Best Photos of the Day
Ornithologists remove the insides of birds killed by slamming into glass and buildings. Credit Ramon Torres/ANS.
Best Photos of the Day
Comparing ways to make glass less deadly for birds. Credit Ramon Torres/ANS.
Best Photos of the Day
Installation view. Credit Ramon Torres/ANS.
Best Photos of the Day
Wall-size video of live birds almost makes visitors feel like they are part of the scene. Credit Ramon Torres/ANS.