Best Photos of the Day
Installation view of Transforming Worlds: Change and Tradition in Contemporary India on display from 9 April - 28 August 2022 at NGV International, Melbourne. Photo: Tobias Titz.
Best Photos of the Day
Installation view of Transforming Worlds: Change and Tradition in Contemporary India on display from 9 April - 28 August 2022 at NGV International, Melbourne. Photo: Tobias Titz.
Best Photos of the Day
Installation view of Transforming Worlds: Change and Tradition in Contemporary India on display from 9 April - 28 August 2022 at NGV International, Melbourne. Photo: Tobias Titz.
Best Photos of the Day
Installation view of Transforming Worlds: Change and Tradition in Contemporary India on display from 9 April - 28 August 2022 at NGV International, Melbourne. Photo: Tobias Titz.
Best Photos of the Day
Installation view of Transforming Worlds: Change and Tradition in Contemporary India on display from 9 April - 28 August 2022 at NGV International, Melbourne. Photo: Tobias Titz.
Best Photos of the Day
Installation view of Transforming Worlds: Change and Tradition in Contemporary India on display from 9 April - 28 August 2022 at NGV International, Melbourne. Photo: Tobias Titz.
Best Photos of the Day
Installation view of Transforming Worlds: Change and Tradition in Contemporary India on display from 9 April - 28 August 2022 at NGV International, Melbourne. Photo: Tobias Titz.
Best Photos of the Day
Installation view of Transforming Worlds: Change and Tradition in Contemporary India on display from 9 April - 28 August 2022 at NGV International, Melbourne. Photo: Tobias Titz.
Best Photos of the Day
Installation view of Transforming Worlds: Change and Tradition in Contemporary India on display from 9 April - 28 August 2022 at NGV International, Melbourne. Photo: Tobias Titz.
Best Photos of the Day
Installation view of Transforming Worlds: Change and Tradition in Contemporary India on display from 9 April - 28 August 2022 at NGV International, Melbourne. Photo: Tobias Titz.