Best Photos of the Day
Artemis Gallery will hold its Eclectic Works of Art, ex-Anthony Quinn Auction on Feb 27, 2022 12:00 PM GMT-6. Artemis Gallery will present an impressive ensemble of works from the collection of the late, great actor Anthony Quinn. Mr. Quinn appeared in more than 180 films in his 55-year career and his work brought him to exotic locations across the globe. His lifelong passion for collecting art fueled his creativity and helped bring to life some iconic characters like Zorba the Greek, Paul Gauguin in Lust for Life, Auda Abu Tayi in Lawrence of Arabia and hundreds more. In this image: Splendid Roman Marble Head of a Female - ex Quinn. Estimate $16,000 - $24,000.
Best Photos of the Day
Huge Exhibited 14th C. Thai Stone Buddha Head- ex Quinn. Southeast Asia, Thailand, Sukhothai Period, ca. 14th century CE. A massive head of Buddha that is hand-carved from mottled gray and red-brown sandstone with beige, khaki, citrine, and chocolate inclusions, perhaps from a larger relief panel of gargantuan size. Estimate $8,000 - $12,000.
Best Photos of the Day
2 Framed 19th C. Indian Bone Chess Sets - ex Quinn. South Asia, India, Rajasthan, ca. early 19th century CE. A fantastic set of 32 hand-carved elephant bone chess pieces from Rajasthan, India, all displayed within a pair of lengthy modern wooden frames. Estimate $4,000 - $6,000.
Best Photos of the Day
Aztec Omphacite Jade Mask, ex-Anthony Quinn. Pre-Columbian, Valley of Mexico, Aztec Empire, ca. 1300 to 1521 CE. A beautiful and rare example of a large maskette that is hand-carved from mottled forest green omphacite jade with silvery gray, beige, mint, and pistachio inclusions. Estimate $4,000 - $6,000.
Best Photos of the Day
Ancient Greek Ceremonial Axe Head w/ Bulls, ex-Quinn. Ancient Greece, Late Bronze Age to Archaic Period, ca. 16th to 5th century BCE. This is an amazing copper axe or hammer head that is features bulls molded upon the faces. Estimate $4,000 - $6,000.
Best Photos of the Day
Roman Marble Hand w/ Pomegranates, ex-Quinn. Roman, Imperial Period, ca. 1st to 3rd century CE. A lovely left hand carved from a beautiful white marble in a realistic pose, grasping three plump pomegranates. Estimate $3,000 - $6,000.
Best Photos of the Day
19th C. Mexican Folding Retablo, Crucifixion - ex Quinn. Latin America, Mexico, ca. late 19th century CE. A large folding polychrome wooden retablo, skillfully hand-carved and hand-painted, presenting two religious scenes. Estimate $1,400 - $2,500.
Best Photos of the Day
Egyptian Cedar Painted Wood Panel Boatman, ex-Quinn. Ancient Egypt, Third Intermediate to Late Dynastic Period, 21st to 31st Dynasty, ca. 1070 to 332 BCE. A lovely rectangular cedar wood panel decorated on the obverse with a layer of applied gesso that is painted with vibrant polychrome pigments. Estimate $3,000 - $4,500.
Best Photos of the Day
Etruscan Pottery Votive Foot - ex Quinn. Classical World, Ancient Tuscany, Lazio, and Umbria, Etruria, ca. 4th to 3rd century BCE. An impressive pottery right foot atop a thick sandal, hollow-molded to serve as a votive - not as a section of a larger sculpture but as a complete piece! Estimate $1,400 - $2,100.
Best Photos of the Day
17th C. European Painted Glass Man & Putto ex-Quinn. Western Europe, probably Italy, ca. 17th century CE. A lovely reverse glass painting depicting a nude man being covered in a red cloak by a cherubic male child known as a putto, all set in a modern gilt wood frame. Estimate $1,400 - $2,100.