Divorce can be difficult enough to deal with without someone trying to make you out to be the bad guy and turning the entire process around. Being married to a narcissist can be difficult and divorcing one can be even harder. Dealing with this particular personality disorder can make divorce nearly impossible but there are ways to get around it and to rise above it.
What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
When it comes to someone that is a narcissist it is so much more than someone that is conceited. Someone with this personality disorder is going to have an inflated sense of self, they are going to feel superior to others, they may seek attention at all times, even at the expense of others, they may have a lack of empathy, and they are difficult to get along with. In a marriage someone that is a narcissist is hard in that they are going to continually seek to make the marriage all about them. They may make all the arguments out to be your fault, they may blame you for their own shortcomings, and they may work to make sure that you feel that you are to blame for anything and everything that goes wrong.
Being married to a narcissist is difficult, getting divorced from one is just as difficult if not more. In many cases those that are diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder are going to be focused on themselves, and they are going to be less concerned for the other party and are going to work to blame the other person for nearly everything in the divorce proceedings. A narcissist is going to try to twist the truth to fit their own narrative and make themselves look better.
Overcoming a Narcissist
The main thing that you should remember when dealing with a narcissist in cases of divorce is that they are not concerned with anyone but themselves. They are not going to be concerned with how you feel about the proceedings. They are not going to be concerned with your outcome or how the proceeding favors you and they are going to be working to twist the narrative in their favor every time they can.
In cases such as these it is important to find a lawyer that says,
we provide aggressive representation like those lawyers with Wolfe and Stec. Lawyers that do provide more aggressive representation are going to be able to better focus the attention back to you, they are going to be able to be impartial, and they are going to be able to help you to get the right representation that is not skewed in favor of the narcissist. It is important to remember that you too are important, you are deserving of a settlement that is in your favor as well, and you are deserving of getting out of a bad marriage, no matter what the other party may have to say.
A great lawyer is going to be able to help you get the care that you need, the consideration that you need, and they are going to be able to defend you against the narcissist through the entire divorce process. Divorce is ugly, it is not something that anyone should ever have to deal with, and it is not something to be taken lightly and the right lawyer can help you overcome anyone and any personality type in the overall divorce process.
Where to Start
When you do decide that it is time to divorce someone that does have a narcissistic personality disorder it is important to be firm. If you know that something happened, that something did not happen or that the marriage dissolved for one reason or other you should work to stick to your guns and to stick to what you know to be true.
Finding a great lawyer is going to be one of the best assets that you can have and is going to help you in the best way possible to get through the divorce and to get out of the other side. Lawyers that are able to help you to figure out what evidence you need to be able to combat the false narrative that your ex might be espousing, a lawyer that is going to be able to help you find your voice, and a lawyer that is going to be able to stick to their guns really does make a difference.
A narcissist is hard enough to deal with on their own and a divorce is just as bad. Dealing with both at the same time can be nearly insurmountable and the right lawyer can really help you get over that mountain and come out better on the other side and without the baggage and the guilt that often comes with dealing with a narcissist and divorcing one as well. You do not have to suffer; the right law firm can get you the settlement you need and can get you out of the marriage that you no longer want to be a part of and that is not healthy for anyone.